Tuesday, July 02, 2024


All five of my sons work for employers, as my wife and I did our entire careers.  But the three younger ones especially are also moving out into self-employment. John-Adrian works as an accountant at a hospital, where his wife also works. But he also makes money at his hobbies - catching king crab and salmon, metal detecting, fleecing overconfident drunks at poker tables in Vegas, hunting caribou.  His wife makes money as a media influencer to Filipinos. Their side hustles put together are about a decent salary now. Son #4 works for Mercedes above the Arctic Circle in Norway, but also has a car rental business, having discerned that the only other rentals are all very high-end, leaving an unserved market.  Kyle has started a photography business, particularly dog photography, which he hopes soon becomes his only business. He has a few other ways of making side cash, though he is not pursuing those as careers.

Son #2 used to make side money as a wedding photographer, not longer does.

Having to hustle for your livelihood is not something I well understand.  They have qualities of resilience and enduring rejection that I seem to lack. Bully for them, then. I tip my hat.

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