Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Popularity of Sports

 I was reflecting on Gaelic Games and how other sports have become popular in Ireland now and thinking on sports skills in general, whether Gaelic (American, Australian, Canadian) Football, Hurling, Rugby, Tennis, Golf... I thought I noticed that we like sports which combine power and finesse (heck, even the deadlift is highly dependent on form and technique), and was going to write about it.

Yet something nagged at me.

I wrote about it 6-7 years ago, and what I said then looks a little better than what I was going to say now.

1 comment:

  1. That we look for "power and finesse" means that the sports we prefer will, by default, be sports in which men are on the average better athletes than women.
    And apparently "we" means both sexes, if my limited observations are any guide.

    Unless we devise and come to enjoy sports that de-emphasize strength and power, it looks like in only a handful (marksmanship) will women compete as peers.
