Saturday, June 22, 2024

Performative Politics

Performative political stances are also get-along stances and thus maybe not quite so contemptible as I often suppose. I originally thought display was 50% of our politics and cultural beliefs, but slowly ratcheted up to 75, 80, 90% of the motive.  I wonder if there's any rational thought behind them at all by now, or if it is just like following the local sports team (rooting for laundry) as a signal that we identify with the place or a cultural tribe or those around us. I am one of you.

Yet putting it in that perspective drew its fangs a bit as well. None of us has much effect on the national election outcomes or the culture. Putting our beliefs to use as a type of worshiping the gods of the city in order to live at peace with our neighbors might be a better use for them.  I'm not ever going to fully know, of course.  I'm not wired that way. It seems shameful to trim my beliefs to mere popularity, and I am determined to believe that I came by my views by rational thought and reflective experience - and will irrationally cling to that self-deception.


  1. What is the Purpose of Holding & Expressing Political Beliefs?

  2. Great addition, David. What do we hear from PenGun these days?
