Monday, June 03, 2024

Airline Rules

I always get annoyed at the airlines repeating the rules endlessly, about seatbelts, and smoking, and emergency exits, armrests, and the like. But by the end of the flight I can usually count a few people who have ignored things with obvious safety implications.

So I get it that the airlines have legitimate concerns, but I am betting that there are better ways to get the behavior they want.

What they are doing clearly isn't working.  Doing it harder and louder is unlikely to be effective.

1 comment:

  1. Every now and then you get somebody who has never flown before.

    Suppose an airport had a couple of mockups of exit door seats, and that for a nominal consideration you'd get to try opening one yourself (I think in an emergency the crew are supposed to do it) and climbing through. Points for speed, points for setting the door down properly, (bonus points if you remember to kick off your shoes), and the best scorers get preference for booking future exit row seats with the adequate leg room that implies.

    If that were cheap/free and the line weren't too long, I'd give that a whirl.
