Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Tramp Shining

I listened to this every night in the summer after 9th grade.  I liked the image of the scruffy romantic returning to an old lover. All songs on the album by Jimmy Webb.

Not that I had any old lovers myself, nor even a new one, unless we are counting* church camp or Doug Manter's birthday party in his basement. But if I got a girlfriend, and I lost her, but I still loved her, and she signaled she wanted me to return, I would try and be just like Richard Harris.


* A friend asked what I meant when I referred to a girl we had both known as a "semi-girlfirend" and I explained about that particular party as my evidence.  "Well if that's gonna be the standard, I've got a lot more ex-boyfriends than I thought I did."

Fair.  That's fair.

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