Monday, November 20, 2023

Herman's Hermits

I watch this, and am just smiling.  Being me, and a bit autistic, I am self-stimming by filling in a bass harmony that isn't there and doesn't improve the song in the least, just for the feel of it.


  1. Is that self-stimming or wanting to participate? I've sung in the car when there are no witnesses to object.

  2. I am not absolutely sure, but this year, the drumming on the pew in front of me and the almost involuntary tendency to harmonise at at least a humming level has struck me as related to self-stim. I seldom sing on my own, but will put something on - even a lawnmower - to harmonise to.

    When I saw that tuneless humming could be considered in the category it set me thinking. I know a few hummers, BTW.
