Saturday, November 25, 2023

Bridge Hands

Do any of you have a bridge hand site you recommend, especially for beginners?  I have disliked the layout of a few, and a couple that looked promising at first do not seem to understand even at my level.  For example, if I have four hearts and five spades and bid the spades first, he bids 1NT or 2C, which is fine, but...coming back to 2 hearts, my computer partner will pass at 2H - and when his hand shows up he has three hearts and five spades. The program does not understand that 2S would be better - ten cards in trumps rather than seven. Or in game play, my partner will play his king and win, and I expect him to come back to my ace - but he doesn't. Ever. I Don't get it.

There are any number I could register for or download, but I don't want half a dozen sites out there with my email forever. I'd risk it for a good site (Or two). What'ya got?


  1. giving new life to the expression crazy desperate old men.....just sayin

    Wish I could help.

  2. I have several different emails, one of which I use for just such purposes, so that my personal and utility emails don't get swamped.

