Saturday, June 17, 2023

Badass Characters

A friend at pub night had a nomination for the most badass character in LOTR. It's a fun exercise.  Eowyn is an early nomination, as she is probably the most heroic female character in all of literature. She stands against the head of the Nazgul with pretty much only a sword and a bright voice. Merry does well in the same scene.  Sam stands off Shelob with a weapon that isn't even his and no training.  Pretty good!  Gandalf fights the Balrog solo, but Gandalf also has plenty of powers of his own.  He's not coming in empty-handed, and neither is Strider.

He thought Farmer Maggot takes the honor, successfully facing down a Nazgul on his fields with only his dog for assistance.


  1. Farmer Maggot told Khamûl, Shadow of the East, to go [yaay] himself.

  2. Wait, didn't Frodo face down Lobelia at the end of LOTR to get his house back? That took some spine, that did!

  3. HMS Defiant:
    Not in the book, In the book she was in the Lockholes for standing up to Saruman's thugs.

  4. Bilbo did that in The Hobbit.

  5. You can give some credit to Legolas and Gimli for staging a contest at Helm’s Deep while others worried about annihilation.

    But Arwen chose death, without hope. And for love. She’s my candidate.
