Tuesday, March 07, 2023


James posts an UnHerd article about corruption in California.  It reminded me of a Romanian story.

I spoke with a Romanian in 2005 who had emigrated to Australia and started two businesses there successfully.  He wanted to use this talent in Romania, which he felt lacked this knowledge generally and needed to see examples. He could not get permission to even try. I suggested the obvious, that he bribe the right people. (That's what my Romanian sons do.) He scoffed. "Oh, I knew THAT! Not only money but I have an uncle in the department who would put in a good word. No, the problem was this: When I left  years ago if you bribed someone you got what you paid for. But now in the big cities, paying someone only buys you a seat at the table where your situation will be discussed."  He attributed this to the difference between Italian corruption (good) and Arab corruption (bad), the latter having increasing influence.

Well, it's one person's opinion and I don't know what the situation is now, but I thought people might be interested.

1 comment:

  1. "In Chicago an honest politician is one who stays bought."

    In this case I guess a bribe buys you the right to offer a bribe to the doorkeeper so that you can bribe the secretary so you can bribe the minister.
