Monday, March 06, 2023

Black Bean Soup

Black bean soup is never as good as I expect it to be, at least...not when I make it.  It can't possibly be my habit of adding another ingredient or two to the recipe to improve it.  I has to be the soup's fault.  Or the beans.

At a previous church we had a potluck with the Seventh-Day Adventists whose church we rented for Sunday worship. One resourceful mother put out bowls half-filled with Fritos, threw some cut up tomatoes on them, and then put on some black beans.  Her kids and their friends loved it, so I gave it a try. I liked it a fair bit and have been trying to replicate it since, with no success. It's one way to feel quite stupid, being unable to pull off a three-ingredient recipe. Perhaps it was the context, or the pleasant surprise, or my hunger, but I've never gotten it to work again to the same taste.

But today I think that adding the roasted chicken with smoked paprika was the downfall. Hopefully it improves as a leftover.


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I like Black Beans, but not in soup. That seems like the wrong use to me. I am most particular with my soups and nearly all of them feel the hand blender.

    I do love Black Beans for Beans and Rice though.

  2. It's funny how that works. No restaurant has made me red beans and rice as well as my mother did. Or as my wife does. Or as I do.

    But I've tried several times to duplicate the cheese and tomato sandwiches I had at CERN, and they always came out blah. I can't even imitate a sub-shop sub sandwich well. They're good, but not the same.
