Monday, October 24, 2022

I Can't Say Who

"I have been at conferences where people have said to me 'I can't be seen with you.'* ...Often these are people who are not in and kind of tenuous position. It's people who socially don't want to be seen with me (because of online comments that should be evaluated from the purely academic/intellectual worlds).  It might be a young male professor who is trying to hook up with woke female grad students or something like that."

"Yeah, I'm not going to...(stumble, stumble) address that.  You just gendered what the problem is. I think you put [the hammer on the nailhead] of what's going on"

I can't tell you it is what is going on, I'm not there.  I am telling you that a lot of smart people who are on the scene say that this is what is going on.

*In light of the recent conversation on romantic behavior among the young, I will point out that this used to be said exclusively between people who were worried about sexual rumors.  Culture changes.


  1. "It might be a young male professor who is trying to hook up with woke female grad students or something like that."

    They finally caught me

  2. '...a young male professor who is trying to hook up with woke female grad students...'

    There's a lot of perfidy in and around plots to hook up with woke female grad students, and not just from professors. There are a whole lot of male "feminists" out there, too, whose feminism extends just that far and no further.

  3. It's relatively easy to say the right words--provided they don't keep changing the rules on you. There's a competition for "Best Victim", but maybe the rule flux helps defend the politics-centered women from their natural predators.

  4. I had a number of social work friends, psychologist friends, and occupational therapy friends who had married their professors - and not always years ago, either. It has been going on a long time, woke or not. Men have this tendency to say whatever they think will work. Bill Cosby had a routine about it on his Track & Field album.

  5. @ Ganzir, it sounds like you also have the type of humor that might not translated to dating apps well. My admiration, but also my condolences.

  6. My type of humor also translates poorly to women, but that's the last thing I'd want women on dating apps to hear me say.
