Sunday, September 18, 2022

Not Well Thought Out

Border crashers have been sent to Martha's Vineyard, in order to teach those rich Democrats a lesson. Hahaha. The year-round population is 17K and the household income is $50K. The summer population is is 200K and the median income is astronomical, which is why Obama went there to raise money.  Just not in winter.

It is after Labor Day. These immigrants, however you feel about the appropriateness of the symbolic gesture, have now been dropped on a poor community with only a couple of social workers with no resources. I don't like using poor and helpless people as pawns anyway - though I take the point if they were doing this on July 4th - but this is terrible for everyone.

This was very simple research - ten minutes of googling - that should have been done by the people sending them. Further evidence that conservatives do not actually want to govern, they want to complain. Well don't we all.


  1. "Why don't we take Bikini Bottom and push it somewhere else?"

  2. And yet in less than 48 hours they had been moved on. Evidently somebody organized the resources to accomplish that.

    You think Del Rio or Brownsville, Texas have the resources to handle up to 20x that many migrants per day?

  3. I thought it was kind of a brilliant move myself. It wasn't as if the immigrants were going to be mistreated by the good folk of Martha's Vineyard and it drove home a necessary point. Gov. Charlie Baker (R) handled it beautifully: we're going to take care of these people who were sent, that's what we do in the Commonwealth. BUT, Congress needs to wake up and address the border issues - it's their job and they are not doing it.

  4. Yes, the Vineyard had help, because people saw the political necessity of it.

  5. "Yes, the Vineyard had help, because people saw the political necessity of it."

    And yet, there seems to be no political necessity in offering the same help to the people of Del Rio or Brownsville? Imagine the political uproar if Gov Abbot called out the National Guard to deal with same problem... or could simply send them to a military facility? I do not mean to disparage Gov Barker.

    I admit that my experiences with illegals is now ancient history (ie, from the 1980s thru 2010). It's been a while since I "helped" a few of them avoid immigration officials. Or tried all sorts of legal steps to help one avoid being deported.

  6. “Further evidence that conservatives do not actually want to govern….”

    God send us politicians who would rather not govern, rule, direct, or command.

  7. Heh. I chose "govern" specifically as the least-intrusive word that came to mind.

  8. It's a purely political gesture, true, but: If the Vineyard was empty post-holiday, then doesn't that mean there were a bunch of beds available? A quick Air BNB check might reveal hundreds - but at a price. And yet they said 'we don't have the resources'. But now, miracles abound, and they have all been provided with lawyers interested in suing the State of Florida.
