Sunday, August 14, 2022

Post 8600 - Down the Rabbit Hole

Many versions of Alice.  There are apparently even porn versions of Alice - the mind boggles - but these will have to do.

1903 - Whole movie

1915 - 


1931 - Just a bit of it

1933 - Gary Cooper, WC Fields...

1949 -

You are probably familiar with the later versions, though the two TV specials

1955 - A lot of puppetry here

and 1966 - Were new to me.  This one had a laugh track... (There was also a dark slo-mo Alice from '66.)

I do recall Sammy Davis Jr singing this song in the Hanna Barbera version, though.


  1. Nice use of perspective in the first one. And a seriously uncooperative cat.

  2. Porn versions. Well, of course there are. It's almost robotic: See thing. Write porn of thing. Beep-boop.

  3. Yes, I have heard "If you can name it, there is a porn site for it." I keep thinking "Oh surely there can't be..." but then I decide not to check. Don't want to know. Other than the obvious Alice being the sweet young thing that everyone in Wonderland wants to deflower I don't like to think what else is there. Best not to know.

  4. An actual review I left on a Screwtape fic on

    "Do not ask me how the following correspondence came into my hands, for I do not know.

    "My dear Snaremouth,

    "When that fool Blargrot allowed his patient to get his hands on thirty-one of the letters I had written to the idiot Wormwood, it was a serious intelligence fiasco. Imagine my elation, then, to learn that you got your own patient to write porn of it. It is a clear sign that your patient has completely missed the point.

    "That said, did you really need to include ME in it?

    "Your affectionate mentor,

