Monday, August 22, 2022

Aristotle, Offensive Lineman


Based on a reconstruction from his bust.  He really does look like an O-Lineman, doesn't he? Thanks to Emma Baccellieri.


  1. It's nice that the great philosophers were often capable physically as well as mentally. Plato was apparently a wrestler whose name is actually probably a nickname that means 'broad,' according to ancient sources because of his chest and shoulders.

  2. My shoulder width-to-height ratio is 0.31. This without strength training.

  3. What I should have told the football coach at my high school when I graduated without having been his offensive lineman: "You never once used your greatest weapon"

  4. I told my sons' high-school principal something similar about the College-Bowl style TV competitions. "I sent you two one-man teams and you didn't use either of them." He sheepishly agreed. They tended to pick girls who were "deserving" of the honor of being on the team. They were often quite bright. But they were not necessarily good competitors in that style (bsking, who was between my two, was a notable exception). It was as if there were a sports team and they said "We'll send the athletes from all the teams that the coaches like best for the basketball tournament." They wouldn't be bad, probably. But you ain't winning that way.

    My best friend in highschool was 6-7 (6-4 as a freshman) and a very good pitcher (beat Mike Flanagan in American Legion tournaments two of three times), but was never even approached by the basketball coach all four years. In New Hampshire, where that was a rare beast. You can't count on them to know what they are doing sometimes.

  5. I played on my community college's quiz bowl team. I think I was their best player during my tenure.
