Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The Reality of Prostitution

A link to Psyche from Rob Henderson's newsletter, The Reality of Prostitution is Not Complex.  It Is Simple, by Rachel Moran. 

While it is fashionable for some female academics, journalists and social commentators to declare the validity of prostitution as employment and to endorse and support this fiction in their books, articles and opinion columns, I note that they resolutely will not practise what they preach. They are not usually willing to have their own bodies used to prove their point. What’s always been particularly galling to me about socially privileged upper middle-class women who popularise these views is that, just like Marie Antoinette before them, they are so far removed from the experience that they cannot relate to it even at a conceptual level. That they are handsomely remunerated to opine on what’s good enough for desperate women is just the spit and polish on the insult.


Also from the newsletter, which has been connecting me to things I would not ordinarily run across:

"Although the presence of a non-depressed friend significantly reduced your chances of feeling depressed, a depressed friend was six times more likely to make you depressed than a happy friend was to make you happy." Robin Dunbar Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships

1 comment:

  1. IF they themselves are not willing to engage in the behavior, then why would they even promote it as legitimate work for women in the first place?
