Sunday, July 03, 2022

He's So Unusual


We went to see "Anything Goes" at the Seacoast Repertory - a very good production on a small thrust stage with steep seating. They played this song which I had not heard before in the wait time before the curtain. 

I stage managed the show over fifty years ago, and some of the music I had not heard since then.  There are a variety of librettos and plots, which always worries me, because we tend to prefer what we first hear as the "correct" version. The lyrics were quite similar, the choice of songs moderately so, and the plot quite divergent from what I knew. Characters in, characters out; scenes in, scenes out. Still, the choreography and staging in a small space was excellent, the singing very solid, the costumes (except for the wigs) and sets quite remarkable for small budget. The lighting wasn't great. 

Maybe i can stand to go back to the theater again after all.

1 comment:

  1. Thursday we went to the local university for their annual early music concert. (You probably know, but for anyone who doesn’t, orchestral music is generally divided into four periods, the first one being Baroque; ‘early music’ is the term of art for anything before that, as well as for traditional music of no certain age.) It was great, and attended by many stage changes as each piece required a different arrangement. My wife and I had a wonderful time.
