Saturday, July 30, 2022

Bill Burr

I have gotten into watching his videos since one went up over at Grim's Hall. I had heard of him but never watched him until this week. I picked this one for no particular reason.

Local-ish boy, comes from Canton and all of you know someone from there. Some of my Puritan ancestors, including most of my American Revolution ones, come from the towns around there.


  1. I really disliked him at first. Of course I try to avoid profanity at the Hall, not because I disapprove of it but as an intellectual discipline and to make the place welcoming to thinking people of good will. He’s really got some trenchant criticism though, and in time I warmed to that.

  2. Even in this early work, he was mining the rich vein of his extraordinary anger. In later routines this is both funnier and sadder. He clearly knows the cost of all that repressed rage, and is very sharp about exposing both his impatience with rolling over for things that anger him and his knowledge of how misplaced much of the rage is. A very bright stand-up comic.
