Saturday, January 30, 2021

Economic Outlook for NH and the Nation

I am emphatically not trying to kick anyone with this.  It is just a reminder of the uncertainty of life. You will probably live forever, of course.  After all, you have lived another day as long as you can remember, and experience is the best teacher, right? Yet just in case, you might remember CS Lewis "The World's Last Night," the final essay in The World's Last Night and Other Essays, (1960)


  1. “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau” - Yale economist Irving Fisher.

    On September 3, 1929.

  2. Nothing economic is guaranteed, and whenever anyone anywhere in any 'position' says it is, I am immediately suspicious.

  3. And then you get situations like this ...

    June 2017

    FEDERAL RESERVE CHAIR Janet Yellen offered an optimistic take on the eruption of another financial crisis similar to the one that coincided with the Great Recession of the late 2000s and plunged much of the world into a state of economic malaise for years. Speaking during a Q&A event with British Academy President Lord Nicholas Stern in London, Yellen on Tuesday highlighted positive results from the Fed's recent "stress test" reviews of America's big banks, and said she doesn't believe another financial crisis will occur "in our lifetimes."

    November 2018

    Former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen told a New York audience she fears there could be another financial crisis because banking regulators have seen reductions in their authority to address panics and because of the current push to deregulate.

  4. @ Christopher B - the subtext is "everything will be fine if you just go to sleep and let us do what we want - which will benefit some people more than others, but what could go wrong there?"

  5. I'd comment if I could read the text, but it's too fuzzy for me to read. Enlarging makes it worse.

  6. Click on it instead of enlarging your page

  7. Sam – There appears to be an ungated version of the article at the following link:

    Point being we may think that not much will change, and then life throws something new at us. Key paragraph from the article:
