Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Another Academic Firing

I corresponded with Dr. Hsu twice when he was still at Oregon teaching physics, because he was associated with research through BGI where I was a participant. He is about as intelligent a person as you could hope to encounter.  But Michigan State has fired him for quoting research on IQ and ethnicity. He was defended by some big names, but in the end President Samuel Stanley used the same cowardly line they are all using these days
I believe this is what is best for our university to continue our progress forward...
Very little intellectual justification was even offered.  Here's the problem: reality itself, in the form of human biology, is racist and sexist by current definitions. It puts researchers in a bind, doesn't it? Thus it puts universities in a bind, because they dare not allow reality to be spoken, yet their job is to teach young people to think, and do accurate research.

Giving in to the mob is not their only choice, not by a long shot.  But they don't have that many students in these subjects, so if they have to let someone be fed to the sharks, it's not going to be Education, is it?


  1. Ahhh, the stupidity of the "academics". Or, are they just terrified?

  2. The entire point of the tenure system is to protect faculty to research potentially controversial topics without fear of firing or reprisal. Unfortunately, tenure has been systematically weakened over the years, and is now little more than a change in job title and pay raise. This is disappointing.

  3. Universities are under increasing financial pressure, and the commodity they are selling is increasingly the appearance of education, as defined by the customer, a 17-year-old.

    The Jordan Peterson approach of simply declaring that they will have none of it and will carry on according to previous standards is very tough. There are Christian colleges that attempt this, with varying degrees of success, but they are also under assault from within, from professors who crave at least a little credibility among their secular peers - and the cost is high. A few other "Western Civ," or "Academic Integrity" schools can hang on as well, but the whole point is that these are now a niche market. University of Chicago used to be one, William and Mary used to be another, but this is fading year by year. Not everyone can be Hillsdale and Grove City.

    There remain many students who want none of this extremism, but only want to hunker down and get a degree, but they are more deeply influenced by the college Zeitgeist than they are aware.

    Colleges could just fire administrators, cut back on hotel services , and announce they are devoted to providing an education, but that is now a niche market.
