Friday, April 10, 2020

Round Numbers

The last decade the range of deaths from the flu have been 12,000 to 61,000. Over a three decade time period, the average per year is about 24,000.  As of today there are 19,000 deaths from C19, subject to many corrections over the next year.


  1. Dang! People need to get their fireplaces inspected.

  2. Useful comparisons.

    I'm puzzled why I haven't seen more businesses (e.g. grocery stores) announce that they won't admit patrons who do not wear masks. It seems an obvious way to help keep their employees healthy--blocking most of the aerosols before they get anywhere. It seemed that way to me back when the received "wisdom" was that masks were no use--somebody was either stupid or lying.

  3. I know, I was milder than that in my comments.

  4. I ventured out today wearing the n95 mask my son-in-law gave me. I'm not doing that again. Not only did it stink (there's a sort of plastic filter), but I felt like I couldn't breathe after wearing it for just a few minutes. By the time I got back to my car, I was tearing it off my face and gasping for breath. I might do better with a cotton mask, though I understand they mostly offer some protection for others and little for me. If I understand this correctly, for the cloth or paper masks to be effective, everyone would have to wear one.

  5. @ Tom - I have been thinking about the chimney a lot because of disclosure statements selling the house! Thanks for noticing

  6. My wife and I went to Costco and wore the n95 masks a week or so ago. Our glasses fogged up. Our noses started running in the check-out line. Didn't happen yesterday, though.
