Sunday, April 05, 2020


You can't get the measles from cell towers.


  1. I suppose the general public aren't usually in a position where they will actually be touching the tower components, but I wouldn't rule out Indirect contact infections as "impossible".

    BTW the above sort of response is what I sometimes find from my students who have come later to college, after they have done something else. It is not so much that they don't believe anything I tell them, it's just that they want to show off that they've considered some edge case that I've either never thought about or that I'd elided to make things more simple.

  2. What about if there's a vat of measles on the ground, and you're climbing the cell tower, and you fall in?

  3. Tex99, it kinda depends on how faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr one falls. Hitting the ground, or crossbars on the tower with your head, should do you in.

  4. You are supposed to think those are cell phone towers, but they're really Arcturan teleportation receivers. Measles is from Rigel, as everybody knows.

  5. I just want everyone to know that AVI's wife said it first! AVI's wife

  6. She did. I thought it was a great comparison.

  7. FWIW, I only found out a couple of days ago what the post was really about, when someone circulated a video on Facebook to a family member, asking for more expert opinion. I was brief and frank.
