Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pondering Visual Updates

It's time for something to break up the all-text nature of the blog.  I doubt anyone but me is interested in the track-and-field videos.  So which of my usuals will I go to? Meerkats?  ABBA? 1960s pop, good and bad? Folk and unusual music? Comedians?

I have spared you all the videos on Indo-Europeans, Scythians, and archaeology that I follow. Maybe I will break form and do a few videos in a row.  Until then, here's one from my queue that I haven't gotten to yet. You are seeing it before I do, because I have other tasks.

1 comment:

  1. I can never get enough of T&F videos, especially the great British milers of the 1980s: Coe, Ovett, and Cram. Plus Eamonn Coghlan.
