Saturday, February 29, 2020

Latino Socialists

Powerline had an interpretation of the Nevada caucus results that was interesting. Among the Hispanic Democrats (not Hispanics as a whole) there was disproportionate approval for the true socialist, Bernie. This has been noted before in other contests. That may be related to what individuals think will benefit them in terms of the American economy, but I have to wonder if much of this does not come from hailing from places where even the free market isn't free. An entirely objective analysis would reveal that leftist market-gaming is even more corrupt in Latin America, but it is fair to notice that they have often been exposed to a fairly bad crop of rightists. Once one ends up on a side in political conflicts worldwide, whether by birth or accident or intent, one tends to harden in the position, remember the ills of those crack their eggs on the wrong ends and overlooking the corruption of one's own side.

They carry that forward when they come here, and likely pass it down for at least half a generation. I don't know if Republican Hispanics are a harder-right mirror image, for similar reasons.  They've seen a particular bad batch of leftists in their home countries. Eastern Europeans in America tend to be stauncher rightists.

We think our politicians are bad, but that is merely because we are a more powerful country and they can cause more damage. A mild liberal with power in America can bring in more world socialism than a fanatic in Albania.


  1. "Once one ends up on a side in political conflicts worldwide, whether by birth or accident or intent, one tends to harden in the position, remember the ills of those crack their eggs on the wrong ends and overlooking the corruption of one's own side."

    There is a lot of this in America today, even independent of any influence of immigration.

  2. Even if they are not socialist, and no country is Europe is socialist today, almost every country in the world has a more extensive welfare state than we do. E.g., almost every other country has a national health system. So any immigrant naturally expects the same level of services here, and will work to get them.

    All the Israelis I have met are doctrinaire socialists and/or marxists.

  3. They've been taught that an "economy" is the device that distributes a static and inevitable pie. They have no idea of an economy that is a system for sorting information that will send scarce resources (with alternative uses) into the use that satisfies the needs of the most people, by a decentralized process of pricing to reflect supply and demand. That's too abstract, and doesn't let them know a straightforward method of getting what they need. It's a lot easier to sell the idea of Santa Claus making sure a toy goes to every girl and boy.
