Sunday, November 24, 2019


Pretty amazing day.  We went to Jonathan, Son #1's house for a group Facetime with the Alaska Wymans - John-Adrian, Son #3 and his wife and two daughters.  We scheduled for 3:00 pm but were a little delayed. We were just about to call when the Alaska Wymans arrived at the door. And with them was Chris, Son #4. From Norway. To top it off, the two daughters will soon become three, as Jocie is pregnant with Bella, who will arrive in early January.

They have known they were coming for months, and have successfully kept both their visit and Jocie's pregnancy secret from all of us successfully.


  1. Sounds fantastic. Blessings to all.

  2. What a nice surprise!

  3. They don't call it Thanksgiving for nothing. Have a great holiday.

  4. Great story, and congratulations!
