Thursday, June 13, 2019


Because it is technically work to go grocery shopping, I have always explained it to myself in my head that I "don't mind it all that much."  Even when the boys were small, taking just one on a supermarket trip was seldom onerous.  Two was a different matter, but still more manageable than a host of other jobs I might have to do around the house. Over the years I have concluded that I mind it less. Today, while looking for an excuse to divert to Hannaford's on the way home from another errand, then lingering in several sections on my way to buying my two items (cole slaw and short bananas), I realised that I actively like the supermarket, and have for some time.  There are things I dream of buying someday, but know my wife doesn't like, and others that I remember liking as a child but don't care for now.  I try to avoid starches, but crusty breads catch my eye.  Are there new local beers? Maybe I would like one or two of those unusual cheeses. Do I feel like having some cut up melon, or should I wait a week or so.

I imagine there are limits.  Full parking lots and aisles are less fun, and time pressure can sour even a pleasant activity.  I likely would get tired of it in large doses.


  1. Amigo, let me be blunt. You are probably in my peer group or younger. As I have reminded the Bosslady, I need to try new foods and experiences. Never seen a Brink's truck in a funeral procession. There is a pepper out there too hot to eat. There is a beer/cocktail/liquor you haven't tried - and it might be your favorite. Enjoy what will some time be your last day. Spend your kids' inheritance. What's the old one?
    Dance like nobody is watching...

  2. I'm spending my kids' inheritance by having my groceries delivered!
