Thursday, February 07, 2019


Aren't we on schedule for a new outrage to fill up the newspapers?

Pray it's not about you.


  1. #BlackFace is gathering steam...

  2. Too many Democrats. I expect a fizzle. However, I have not shown good predictive abilities on such things.

  3. Probably true but I've always seen the outrage of the week as sort of a boutique thing, anyway. #MeToo has claimed plenty of liberals or liberal leaners. There's a fair amount of evidence a lot this info is coming from inside the Dem camp (at least in VA) to torpedo potential rivals.

  4. Another possibility, since I still see more action on the Democrat side of the aisle, is that old white people aren't taking the proposals of the newly elected Democrats seriously. This will be couched in complaints about Trump and Mitch but it's really going to be generated by how Pelosi is treating AOC, and another older white woman (Amy Klouchbar) throwing her hat into the Presidential ring.

  5. It won't be me. I'm in "deep cover" at "an undisclosed location". Not to mention, I am a "man of mystery".
