Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Intolerant Lutherans

Via the "Had Enough Therapy?" blog:  The NYT explains what the Danes are doing to make sure their Muslim immigrants acculturate. Imagine what would be said if this were Texas or Georgia.

I blame Trump.


  1. I think you maybe forgot to add "/sarc" after "Trump." But hey, that tag is just SOOOOO

  2. What, you don't thing Trump is trying to Make Denmark Great Again?

    Also, if one has to add /sarc, the effect is lost.

  3. Indeed, when I asked some of my liberal friends of the 'Scandinavia is the model for what America should become' about this, they defended it. As you say, if Georgia had done the same thing...

  4. Yes, the places they want the country to be like are very N European white. You'll notice when they say "Europe" they don't even mention Spain or Greece very often. The same goes for states, with their lauding of VT and MA.
