Sunday, April 29, 2018


It would be fun if Pinewood Derby went in this direction, eh? When engineers turn to art.


  1. Thus proving once again, that there is nothing that PVC pipe cannot do.

    It took me a few moments of scrutinizing to understand the reverse motive forces that are tricking the eye; that the wind is pushing on the sails and all that marching leg work is just a mechanism designed to move while coasting before the wind. The appearance of walking is just an illusion: Just as popping the clutch on a rolling car may cause the pistons to move, it does not mean they are providing the motive power. The Dutchman must be a bit of a monomaniac, and (I am guessing) a great person to quaff a few beers with. Neat video.

  2. There was an Englishman a couple of hundred years ago who believed that walking was essentially leaning forward and having your feet repeatedly catch you as you fall. That must have been amusing to the local schoolchildren watching him. Something similar seems to be in place for the Strandbeest's (which means Beach Creature, BTW) movement, where the legs and feet balance and control the movement rather than provide it.

  3. I believe I've seen this before.

  4. I think these are actual walking machines. They follow the form of one of several types of such machines that have been developed. The engineering isn't trivial.
