Friday, August 25, 2017

Trump and Harvey

Ann Althouse is predicting that the news will quickly gravitate to hoping that dealing with it makes Trump look bad (as with Bush and Katrina) than worrying about the actual people affected.

Son #2 tells us the wind has started up and is now a Category 4 hurricane.  20 inches of rain are expected.  His development used to be a lake, which I had known but forgotten.  Also be aware that Texan 99 is right about at landfall.


  1. I wish she were wrong, but that seems to be built into the way we do news these days.

    I wonder how many people actually feel that way. I imagine quite a number may have a superficial reaction like that, but I don't have a good feel for what fraction of those would maintain it after seeing the images of real people injured or homeless. Anybody can work up an easy hate for the faceless.

  2. I'm certain they will try but they had some major assistance from Mayor Nagin's and Governor Landrieu's (both Dems) dithering and obstruction over Katrina. The Mississippi coast got hit almost as hard but Hayley Barbour actually worked with W. Greg Abbott in TX has already requested and gotten a disaster declaration.

  3. @ Christopher B - yes, we know that, but it has been remembered differently.

  4. Yes, that EVILE media. Who hated Bush, and how hate Trump even more, and seem to hate Texas, too.

  5. AVI - certainly, I don't disagree about the Katrina story line. While the media have a lot of power to direct the narrative it's still pretty unusual for them to be able to concoct something out of whole cloth. There was a story there about failure of government action at many levels. If that basic story line hadn't been there there would have been little to blame on W.

  6. Christopher B - I didn't get the tone right on my comment. The "we" is italicised, but it's hard to see. No criticism intended.

  7. We were right at landfall. We thought sure it would miss us right up to the last moment, and also couldn't believe it really had become a Cat 4. By that time it was too late to leave, and we had good TV and internet reception until quite late, watching that durn eye come directly for us. I mean smack for my house. I must say the house made interesting noises, but it held up. We called our builder and our engineer and congratulated them both. Post-Andrew codes really do work: all those straps and bolts.
