Monday, December 05, 2016

So You Think You Know Holiday Songs?

Identify the song from these initials of first lines.  For example, OCAYF = O Come All Ye Faithful. I saw one of these over a decade ago, but it had errors, and I've added to the list.
These are the easier ones.  I have a hard batch I may share, simply so that I have it to send to people. I will post the answers - actually, a keyword clue that will give it away - sometime in the near future when I have the patience. 

Answers now available, buried deep in the archives.  Link here.

1. HYAMLC__________________________________________________
2. TFNTADS__________________________________________________
3.  POYYHCC_________________________________________________ 
4.  ICUAMC___________________________________________________
5.  DTHWBOHFLLLLLLLL_____________________________________
6.  SNHNAICAIB______________________________________________
7.  JBJBJBR___________________________________________________
8.  OTFDOCMTLGTM__________________________________________
9.  OCTOCT___________________________________________________
10. YBWOYBNC_______________________________________________
11. JTTWTLIS_________________________________________________
12. WCITWLTR?______________________________________________
13. RTRNR____________________________________________________
14. HHHHH___________________________________________________
15. ISMKSCUTMLN___________________________________________
16. GGROBAR________________________________________________
17. IHALDIMIOOC____________________________________________
18. OHNTSABS________________________________________________
19. FNFNFNPAYF______________________________________________
20. HAHJC____________________________________________________
21. AIWFCIMTFT______________________________________________
22. DTTSIAOHOS______________________________________________
23. CTTMPRPPP______________________________________________
24. WTKOOA__________________________________________________
25. IDOAWCJLTOIUTK_________________________________________


  1. Oh my. Either I really don't know but one Christmas Carol, or I'm horribly bad at puzzles like this. It's likely also that I know just a common lyric and not the title. And that's all the excuses I can come up with. I don't Carols.

  2. It took a bit but I got about a third of them. I think I know the chorus or title more often than first line.

  3. I didn't do very well, even after I put the list in alphabetical order. One of my favorites, Angels We Have Heard on High, was not included. Oh well. Although I have never been a churchgoer, I much prefer Christmas carols to such "modern" songs as "Jingle Bell Rock." If you want to be tortured, go to a Hispanic grocery during this season. The Muzak songs at Hispanic grocery stores this time of year basically consist of some pop repetition of "It's Christmas..It's Christmas [Es la Navidad]." Horrible. Hispanic grocery store Muzak is much better away from Christmas season, with their cumbias or polkas accompanied by accordions.

    Much better than what Hispanic grocery stores serve up this time of year, or the Jungle Bell Rock genre, were the Mad Magazine parodies of my childhood. For example, consider the parody version of "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear."

    They come on April 15th dear,
    To take away our gold.
    Tax men unmoved by plea or tear,
    It makes your blood run cold.

    Oh income tax! You break our backs,
    The government takes all.
    A thief by any other name
    Would never have such gall.

    For those who want more Mad Magazine Parody Songs, here they are.

  4. In a bank 20+ years ago, I heard a Muzak version of something that had a vague familiarity. Took awhile for me to recognize it as "Stairway To Heaven".

    I got 7 and 14.

  5. 2, 4, 5, 7, and 13. Gotta think a little harder about the rest....

  6. 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 9. 12. 13. 18. 21.

    I really want to know what 14 is :)

  7. Before I go looking at the links...

    Songs 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,15,18,19,21,22,24 are identified. After spending a day or two thinking over the list.

    I really want to know what 14 is, as well as 16. I think I should know 20 and 23, and I'm annoyed that I don't. Number 10 is simply confusing.

  8. You are making this fun SJ. Hints. `14 is the most high-culture, 16 the most low-culture. Focus on the last repeated letters of 23. I look a lot like the guy who is the voice of 20. I don't have a good hint of 10. The Y's are the same common word, the other words are more difficult.

    Please torment your friends with this, as it's the only way to get that pleasure back.

  9. I will say again, this is more fun in teams. We have different blind spots.

  10. I passed this on and now I need the rest of the hints, specifically no 17

  11. dreidel

    Answers are now linked in the OP
