Monday, February 01, 2016

Just To Ruin Your Evening

Speaking of Bilbo...

Some things cannot be unseen.


  1. Makes me want to rhyme.

  2. I am most noticing the propensity to press foreheads together.

  3. I feel this is an artistically superior rendition of this piece.

  4. The Ballad was one track on an entire album: "Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space," and it is entirely representative of the quality of the whole album...

    Though I do have to say that I remembered that song and sang it to my daughter decades later, when she was little. I also recall the gist of several of the other tracks. On the other hand, the series had just ended (for the first time) and I listened the heck out of that schlocky album from acute nostalgia. And I was in high school.
