Saturday, July 13, 2013

Worst Christian Site Ever

I am nominating Jesus-Is-Savior.

You may define worst in whatever way you wish: most offensive, most heretical, most unbiblical, most stupid, worst designed...

This one scores points in all categories, but I'd love to see your entries.  Please tell your friends and have them join the fun.


  1. Not that I have any others to compare it with, but I've seen other sites that looked similar--there's too much stuff, too many competing themes--and concluded that no, I'm going somewhere else.

  2. Does McAfee complain about it?

  3. I don't have a particular website to suggest, but this YouTube playlist sums it up pretty well:

    "And...there's no proof of apes. No one ever caught an ape."

    *palm to face*

  4. Kind of the Dollar Store of bad Christianity.

  5. Kind of the Dollar Store of bad Christianity.

  6. It quotes John 14:6 and then proceeds to go into all the various legalism and whatnot? Is heresy the right words here or will that be too dramatic?

  7. V funny. I liked the Perils of Catholic Confession section and wickedly sent link to halo glowing recent RC convert offspring mine.
