Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Story

Well, I started the 2022 text dialogue with Mary on her 50th birthday, which ended up being the first entry for the blog*, so starting stories buried in blog history on my 60th birthday makes some sense. I've got some stories I would like to put online even in their very incomplete form. So no one will notice unless they are looking for it, and likely to be sympathetic. Emily? Sarah? Sort of doubtful. Who knows? As Bombadil said, "free to all finders, birds, beasts, Elves of Men, and all kindly creatures." Take what you find here and use it for your own good.  

And for this one I will have to learn superscripting for Blogger, which may not be fun. Eh. Small problem


There will be an emergency(1), and you will have to rescue(2) several (3) people in the mountains (4) in winter. (5)  Because of their trauma they will not be fully rational, and they will not all be grateful(6). You should be good to them, for they are sheep in need of a shepherd.(7)

You will have to get them out of a traumatic situation to safety, 50-70 miles away. The hardest part of that will be on foot; there will be some miles on skis, and if all goes well, some on snow machine. In between, you will be in a shelter for a few days. There will be cold, then snow and brief blizzard, then cold again.

It will be five or so years out. You will be told enough.   

(1) Christians are supposed to be excited about such opportunities.  I am not.

(2) FML. God being funny again.

(3) This varies by what is being counted.  I will start with the assumption of seven.

(4) So up and down mountains. I will have to lose weight and start training more.  Will fifty pounds be enough? 

(5) Training for cold?  FML.

(6) Okay, this is even worse but I begin to see why this is important. 

(7) So am I.  Who is going to...never mind.


*She was a math person, so 51st birthday might be just as amusing.  Yet would I remember it myself? 7 squared; 17x3;13x4 deck of cards; cool prime was an interesting number in that region, but what was it?

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