Thursday, March 07, 2013


Retriever passes along the proximate cause of the moral downfall of the children of the 1%: Nutella. I first had the spread on crepes at the Princessa Margherita restaurant in Transylvania in 1998. Son #4 was seriously addicted at one point.


  1. When I was in college John Silber wrote a letter in the student paper about how anyone who stole dining hall silverware was a "moral degenerate not worthy of graduating from an institute of BUs caliber".

    I don't even know what he would have done if it had been Nutella.

  2. I still have a fork from the summer I was at St Paul's in 1970, and I still feel bad about it. I'd sneak in and drop it off, but I'm afraid I would look suspicious.

  3. Someone works in my office has a second job working in the St. Paul's kitchen. She could probably drop it off without detection, but something tells me that they have gone to a different design over the course of 40 years.
