Monday, November 26, 2012

Who Can Post

I have tried something to see if I can lose the spam and still let people comment without word verification.  It may prevent anonymous comments.  Could folks test and see if they can comment, especially if you would ordinarily be anonymous here?

Email wymanhome at comcast if you cannot.


  1. Testing, plus some word play.

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  2. I'm here.

    Your assumption is interesting--the gmail persona is a person.

  3. Apparently the worms and bots have become better at deciphering characters because now the captcha characters are so out of focus and distorted even I have trouble reading them.

    And yet I soldier on...

  4. Well, we shall see.

  5. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back

  6. There was a fisherman named Fisher
    who fished for some fish in a fissure.
    Till a fish with a grin,
    pulled the fisherman in.
    Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher

  7. Hmm, wouldn't let me put my url in...

  8. "Wen inn the coarse of humane prevents"

    Seems OK to me

  9. Either I can't parse your encryption of the email address or your box is broken. And I get only options for google account or the OpenID options, none of which work for me -- even the dagger-in-the-eye symbor, for which I had hopes...

  10. I use Google Account - checking to see if my comment gets recorded ...


  11. D2, I worried that would be the limitation. I would hate to cut commenters out. In a pinch I will cut anonymous commenters loose, though I would prefer to keep that option open. But further limitations are too many.
