Friday, September 21, 2012

Dental Floss

Inmates at a NY jail are suing because they don't get to have dental floss. The jail's position is that floss can be used as a weapon.

In case you are quick on the bandwagon that the jail is being ridiculous here, we have had suicide attempts with dental floss at our hospital, and no longer allow patients to have it unless supervised.


  1. Sam L.9:27 PM

    Dental floss is danged strong--just try it. And think about someone wrapping it around your neck. Or someone else's, as AVI does.

  2. I've heard stories of prisoners collecting dental floss in an attempt to make ropes. (Usually to aid in escape...)

  3. Agreed. It wouldn't take long to braid a nasty garrotte. People outside forget that prisoners can be wickedly creative.

  4. I wonder if the prisoners will win the suit. There've been some seriously strange decisions in the past couple of years.

  5. Sam L.4:41 PM

    Need not even braid it. I'd expect even a single strand would be enough to cut the skin of the neck and be strong enough to strangle. Not going to try that, though. You shouldn't, either.

  6. If they are only given short pieces they need to make them longer. The knots wouldn't be quite as strong as the unbroken strand, hence the braiding.

  7. Anonymous7:27 PM

    do they get a substitute? how's the rest of the dental care? having to get your teeth pulled due to preventable tooth decay could be construed as cruel and unusual punishment.
