Monday, August 06, 2012


I had forgotten how bad the footing is, and how much harder that makes the hike.  I suppose I should be glad that steepness per se does not bother me as much as before, neither up nor down.  But the rarity with which one can take a normal-sized step and put one's foot down flat - I'm not asking for horizontal - got very wearing.

It is often repeated up here but likely less-known outside of NH that the geographical term monadnock, which is obscure but still used, comes from this mountain.


  1. I googled for some pictures. You're made of sterner stuff than I: 2-3 hours of that would leave my knees and ankles in ruins.

  2. Sam L.11:22 PM

    I strongly suggest you consider using trekking poles. It's sorta like having 4 legs.

  3. I remember my husband's grueling experience years ago with a fly-fishing hike up a mountain stream bedded with large, round, slippery rocks. He said it was like hiking over greased bowling balls.

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Go with trek poles, an aid to hikers of "ahem" a certain age

  5. If there is anything missing from my area, it is interesting mountains. (Since I live in Michigan, I live far from anything that can be considered mountainous. I think most of the State is in the range 500-1500 feet above sea level.)

    I've seen the top of Brockway Mount, the top of Mount Lookout, and this lake.

    But I don't live in that part of the State anymore.

  6. Brockway is nice. This "hiker of a certain age" made the ascent using a minivan.

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