Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Refrigerator Blues

The downside of my sidebar posting what's newest on my blogroll is that the inattentive blogger can have three strong posts and a throwaway in quick succession and only have the worst one showing. I do that a fair bit, I think. Retriever's posting on Refrigerator Blues is excellent, with great internal links, but it got buried by a nun joke. Sort of like the cheesecake that's currently heading up my site...


  1. Hey, I liked the nun joke. It reminded me of a horrid little boy who used to sit next to me in elementary school...(only I stuck HIM with the pencil)

    Thanks for the link...

  2. Sam L.10:13 PM

    How did I miss the nun joke? Where is it?

  3. Click the sidebar link instead of the post link.

  4. Sam L.7:24 PM

    Ah....a different post!
