Friday, January 08, 2010

Prayer Request

I usually think of prayer requests as more a Facebook and email thing, but this one occupies enough of my daily thinking that I thought I would make the request. Tim King is a man in his mid-20's who we have known for more than two decades. He has commented here a few times, his sister used to be a regular (bsking), and his father remains a regular reader and commenter here (Michael). So you sort of know him. He is one of four siblings who intermingled in ages with our four and often went to school and youth group together. Tim in particular was sometimes the only other boy in Ben's class at a small Christian elementary school, so they became close even though they are not especially alike.

He is sitting in a DC hospital with cysts around his pancreas, having lost a fair bit of weight already, waiting for inflammation to recede so they can decide what to do next. He has a bright and energetic spirit and attitude, and is not easily weighed down, but as the days turn into weeks, it's hard for anyone to keep waking up with that can-do, bootstrap view of the morning.

He is on medical leave from Sojourners. Various family members, including especially Mom, have been down from their northern dwellings (New Hampshire and Chicago) to be with him as much as they can. But it is hard for them, too.


  1. I will keep Tim and his family in my prayers. Both my brother and my dad had pancreas troubles, so I know how excruciating and debilitating they can be. May God pour out his healing love on Tim, warm him with His love and lift his spirits, may He ease his physical sufferings, and heal him completely, and grant his family strength and courage to encourage and help him heal.

  2. Prayers? Got 'em. God bless and caio.

  3. My children know Tim from school. I will definitely pray.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    He is my prayers.

