Younger viewers, noting what now seems the general 60's dorkiness of their style should be advised that they were ahead of the curve on most of these things which seem so old-fashioned now.
Watched the whole Hollies video- and they never showed a close-up of Graham Nash, who did their high harmonies. After Nash left for Stills & Crosby, Allan Clarke's Hollies had a big hit with "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress"- a early 70s song. Don't know whatever happened to CS&N though.
Watched the whole Hollies video- and they never showed a close-up of Graham Nash, who did their high harmonies. After Nash left for Stills & Crosby, Allan Clarke's Hollies had a big hit with "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress"- a early 70s song. Don't know whatever happened to CS&N though.