Saturday, October 04, 2008

Retirement Funds

Well, as of FY2006 the NH Retirement System has one of the worst actuarial funding levels in the country. My wife's and my pensions are both there. Great.


  1. How did Mass fare? Right now I have more hope in getting my pension than in Jay collecting Social Security...

  2. Follow the link and scroll down

  3. Must be connected to the VERY HIGH I.Q.s in NH.

    Must be.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Don't worry. The well-known organization that's only $9 trillion in debt will come to the fund's rescue by borrowing more money.

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

    A lot of us will be working to 70 and beyond,out of necessity.

  6. jackscrow - I'm sure we're using those extra IQ points somewhere good.

    Actually, I'm not sure of that at all.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I learned yesterday that the well-known organization that's only $9 trillion in debt would probably not borrow the money to bail out the fund. It would probably just print more money.

  8. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Must be nice to have a pension to worry about. I will be working until I become incapacitated or die.
