Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fashion Accessories

If Birkenstocks are the shoe of choice for leftists, what should those of us on the right wear?

Perhaps The Manolo has advice.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Nooooooooo! You would look terrible in them!

  2. What man cares about shoes? I have four pairs...black, brown, tennis, and golf. I keep them for years. My life is simple.

  3. P.S. I forgot a fifth pair. A couple of years ago, my daughter bought me some Birkenstocks as a gift, that I wore only one time to show her "how much I liked her present." What's wrong with those people that they can't build an entire shoe?

  4. Anonymous3:54 PM

    We on the right need not concern ourselves with a link between our shoes and our political identity. Such foolishness is for those on the left. We should each, individually, choose the attire which suits our purpose.
