Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In Case You Didn't Get The Reference

The "Pops" posting was an announcement that my daughter-in-law will give birth to our first grandchild around Thanksgiving. Nana and Pops are very pleased.


  1. Congrats!

    May you enjoy many years-of-Pops-and-Nana hood.

  2. I was sorta thinking something like that, but figured I had missed the announcement and fanfare somewhere earlier. Congratulations!

  3. Being "Pops" sounds boring. I'll be the evil Uncle who imprisons the child in the woods until he's old enough to return to rescue the kingdom and receive his inheritance.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Great news, Pops! Congratulations. I'm sure you'll be as good to yours as my kids' grandparents are to theirs.
