Friday, October 06, 2006

Fashion Request

Amy Alkon, The Advice Goddess, is worried about the danger of Christians with their "cross-imprinted jack boots." I love those! I have been looking for a pair for so long! Where do you think I can get some?


  1. Personally, I'm worried about what plastic surgeon did her nose job. He sucks.

  2. Ouch. My pop-culture maven cuts right to the chase.

  3. Anonymous12:22 AM

    She's a raging moonbat...

    ...and her hair looks like a possum has been nesting in it.

  4. I'd try Etsy ( They have a feature called Alchemy where you can request custom-made items. I haven't seen anyone ask for cross-imprinted jackboots, but I did see a request for vagina earrings come through recently. People are always asking for all kinds of weird stuff.

  5. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Yeah, AVI, when you find them, let me know where they are. I need to pick up a few for me, the missus, and the young'uns.


  6. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Jackboots for him, Jillboots for her and JuniorBooties for the kidlets. Crosses on your ballcaps and bonnets.

    On the subject of cross-dressing Christians (ouch! sorry), don't forget that the considerate Christian also takes the time to carve those crosses in the tips of bullets.

    Fashionists! Christian Fashionistas! Christianistas? We're becoming such a fashionist country under Christian right wings. Wi-i-i-n-n-ngs, ooaah. Now I feel like eating chicken. -cp
