Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Differences

This is related to the last post about me being the responsible one. Today I received a phone call from Ben, letting me know that his apartment complex would be faxing me info on his options for electric companies. I received said fax and dutifully called Ben with the list. There were 14 companies listed, so I asked Ben how many he wanted to write down. "Oh" he said, "we don't have any pens in the RV."

I'm just saying that I always keep at least one pen in all my vehicles, and pack a pen with my luggage every time I travel. Because you never know when you'll need a pen....

For the record, I found a company listed that used letter equivalents in its phone number. So Ben's electric company was chosen based on ability to be remembered by two people driving an RV, not on rates, service, or Better Business Bureau rating.


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    That is similar to how the majority of consumer decisions are made in this country. Interesting, Wymans are not usually in the majority for anything!

  2. Apparently Jonathan, you are also the funny one. This post and the last both made me laugh out loud. :)

  3. Jonathan...I was about to make fun of you for this, until I realize that I actually have two pens in my purse (plus a pad of paper, sunglasses, a wallet with an emergency contact card, a dictionary, some snack bars, and a bandaid), several pens in my car, my locker at work, and 13 in my lab coat pockets. I panic if I have no pens. I think it's a first child thing. Anyway, this all reminded me of when I was talking to my dad the day after loan consolidation rates went up this year, and he asked me if I knew if Tim had consolidated. My reflexive answer? "No he couldn't have, he didn't call me." Two days later I got a phone call from my brother asking me if I thought those deadlines were flexible at all. Definitely a second child.

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Message to Ben: The woman of your life that you'll be looking for in Houston is named A-D-R-I-A-N. Got that?
    Your pal,

  5. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I don't think ADRIAN has filled out an application with Fair Trade Certified.

  6. Anonymous2:50 PM

    ARRGGHH!! Please, explain the inside jokes!! And bs king (Bethany?), are you related to the Wymans somehow?


  7. BubbaB-
    No, I am not related to the Wymans, however, I have known them since I was in the single digits age wise. The AVI used to drive me to school for several years, and Jonathan and I were friends for quite some time. Our mothers are prayer partners, and Ben and my brother were best friends in elementary school. There's close to 2 decades of friendship between the two families all in all, and we live in the same town to boot.

    As for the jokes in the comments, they relate to my blog and Ben's. Ben did a post on soundtracks to your life, where he banned using the theme to Rocky. akafred, being from Philly, is appealing this and asking that he be allowed to use it. Michael (my father)is referring to the fact I ran a series on my blog called the "Marry my Brother Application" where people could apply to marry either one of my two brothers, or Ben. Hope that clears things up. Consider yourself "in the loop".

  8. Oh yeah, and yes, my name is Bethany. "BS King" is actually my real first two initials and last name, meaning my parents either made quite the naming oversight, or had a ridiculous amount of foresight.

  9. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Okay, now I understand. Of course, I don't know if that makes me feel any better or not...

    I was actually referred over here by Gaius at Blue Crab Boulevard, and I read AVI's post about proportional response (or something like that), decided I liked the way he thought, and hung around. I believe I could be called a troll, but I'm a nice troll...


  10. Anonymous6:44 PM

    By the way, Bethany, sorry for the unfortunate naming... Although, I like the name Bethany (I have a niece on my side and a niece on my wife's side named, "Bethany.") But the "B.S." initials, well, I'm sorry for that...


  11. Man, Bethany, your story about Tim measures up exactly to how I would act in a similar situation. When I found the number for the HR guy here at the church, I called him up and asked him if I could give his number to my older brother, who would ask all the important questions and then fill me in on the details. And that's what we did.

    I always figured I was free from the birth order analysis that psych majors always pull, since my head-of-the-psych-dept roommate and my head-of-her-class-psych-major ex-girlfriend had both tried and failed to analyze me in said structure. Since adopting Romanians halfway through high school meant that I'd spent time as a youngest child, only child, middle child, and oldest child, I thought I was free of such presumptions. But, man, I am a little brother, aren't I?

    By the way, I'm perfectly happy with my energy plan with Reliant Energy, which can be reached at 1-866-RELIANT at any time.
