Friday, August 04, 2006

I Accuse Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch has condemned Israel for a consistent failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants. This incident of the attack on Syrian and Kurdish farm workers was cited.

If you put that together with this article, which describes the ramping up of Iranian shipments of arms before a cease-fire, through exactly the place mentioned above, I have a different accusation. I accuse Human Rights Watch of a consistent failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants.

One of the reasons for the Geneva Conventions, which distinguishes between uniformed combatants and civilians is expressly for the purpose of protecting the civilians. You can try to dress up a lamb chop like a salad, but when the wolves find out it’s meat, they’re gonna eat it.


  1. AVI,
    What I find ridiculous, is how the Human Watch says that when they investigated it all, that there wasn't hezbollah present when they checked out the civilian places that were bombed, now duh!!!! Do they really think that by the time they got there, that hezbollah terrorist are going to stick around after they fire rockets behind certain areas and ummm, be standing there still for photo opts? These guys are not in uniforms and after they do their dirty deeds they quickly are capable of meshing amongst the others! I mean come on....if hezbollah terrorist were standing right there when they did these investigations, Human Watch wouldn't even know them from another!!!! Heck, how do they know that the witnesses they talk to are not hezbollah or persons that are paid by or intimidated by hezbollah????? It just gripes me to no end that all of a sudden Human Rights Watch can tell who is lying and who isn't!!! Do they have some radar or some special truth serum that we are not aware of????????

  2. No, they have secret Vulcan mind rays.

  3. Thanks. I've been lazy. Just put two up, though.
