There is a concise but accessible discussion by OneCosmos of this subject at Shrinkwrapped (Who are they)(referring to 'liberals'). Please see the comments dated 1/12/06.
As you, AVI, having lived through Kennedy and Humphrey, I still fail to see why we have the present political landscape. There are few civilized choices. I am both amazed and disgusted.
------(excerpt from onecosmos) No classical liberal would ever agree to government enforced racism, categorizing people by group, campus speech codes, confiscatory taxes, stifling government regulation. Nor would a liberal condone the attacks on religion, as classical liberals always understood the importance of a virtuous populace. Liberals always equally emphasized responsibilities and obligations with rights and entitlements, and were not naive about the propensity for human evil.
There is a concise but accessible discussion by OneCosmos of this subject at Shrinkwrapped (Who are they)(referring to 'liberals'). Please see the comments dated 1/12/06.
As you, AVI, having lived through Kennedy and Humphrey, I still fail to see why we have the present political landscape. There are few civilized choices. I am both amazed and disgusted.
------(excerpt from onecosmos)
No classical liberal would ever agree to government enforced racism, categorizing people by group, campus speech codes, confiscatory taxes, stifling government regulation. Nor would a liberal condone the attacks on religion, as classical liberals always understood the importance of a virtuous populace. Liberals always equally emphasized responsibilities and obligations with rights and entitlements, and were not naive about the propensity for human evil.