Monday, September 16, 2024

Political Links from AVI 2009

A few of these are still pertinent, some still have similar arguments in play, others are early examples of things I discussed with more clarity later.

Remember the supposed 47M uninsured we kept hearing about? NH Sen. Judd Gregg had the simplest answer.

Performance Versus Promises, Obama Edition.  Such things apply to most politicians, but he was particularly bad.

Political Archetype. Obama as Kwisatz Haderach 

The importance of fashion to liberals

The Democrats had controlled the House of Representatives nearly my entire life. Pretty much the next 15 years as well. I include Senate and Presidency numbers as well, including what is meant by "controlled" depending on news source.

How NPR reported economic issues.  I don't know what they've done since, but I would bet that anecdotes are still king.

I don't think anyone still reads True Patriot anymore, but the underlying concepts are still present, and still torque me off. I re-review the book.  

Comment here, not there, on all of them.


  1. Here's a chart form of your post on control of the House Senate and Presidency. It goes back to 1900, and forward to 2021

    This chart of party divisions of the House and Senate since 1855 gives a good visual of how unusual that 40 years of one party control was

  2. Before Reagan, I was too young to have much political awareness. During his Presidency, i began to pay attention to what the President and Congress were doing.

    Prior to Newt Gingrich's Contract With America during the Clinton administration, my mental conception of Congress was “Democrats".
