Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Links From 2006

From my discussions of the American Tribes (which I had variously named Arts & Humanities, Science and Technology, Government & Unions, and four or five others) I came to see them as very much tribes in the anthropological sense, and started to tie this in to Evolutionary Psychology.  

I had forgotten about this TAHIRA, a particular Diversity Trainer at work. She seemed motivated by envy that CEO's make more money than she does.

Free Speech was on its way out, beginning with a liberal site deleting my negative comment.  Now they just don't have comment sections at all. I introduce the Iron-o-Meter for the first time.

When a real emergency arises, multiculturalism takes a back seat.  Or at least it did then.  Does it still?

It's shameful how much of the world's resources Americans waste, isn't it?

Some Urban Legends that turn not to be true, including a couple I was sorry to see go, like Ring Around Rosie being about the Great Plague. Darn.  That was when was still a reliable source.

It's probably better to comment here on any of them as no one but me is going to ever know about them there.

1 comment:

  1. So the "microwave baby" urban legend actually put a nasty idea into some sicko's head.
