Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Update on ASD Terminology

I think there is a large difference between people trying to put a label on you and taking one on yourself, and in this case it is downstream of wanting to understanding things about your self and why you do things versus just living your life and not caring about whether you have some condition or diagnosis or not. I have friends, sons, DILs, and cousins in both categories. I still wryly remind myself of my friend Chris's observation that if the unexamined life isn't worth living, the examined life ain't that great either. Her NH license plate is WRYLY, if you ever see it. Her father, Paul Riley, had it first.

When I sense that people are hostile, or at least reticent and uncertain about Aspie descriptions, I tend strongly to use the term "Asperger's." Autistic spooks people.  But people who are already familiar with the concepts are much more usually comfortable with calling themselves autistic or their condition autism. I think we pretty quickly want our liquor straight on such matters.  A little ice or branch water, or a fruit garnish like a twist of lemon or an orange peel and we're fine. I drank daiquiris or White Russians when I first drank alcohol, but I don't see the point now. (Maybe as a dessert.)

"Aspie" is like an Old-Fashioned, maybe - sort of halfway in-between.

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